Would an apprentice help your business?

/ AIMS News

Author: Lesley Anderson

would an apprentice help your business

Are you considering plugging your staff shortages with an apprentice?

Let’s face it, the staff shortages for many SMEs simply haven’t eased. The payroll is one of the largest costs for most SMEs so taking on experienced staff brings benefits but also increases costs that many employers hesitate to commit to.

So is taking on an apprentice a possible solution and how would an apprentice help your business?

It’s worth talking to your local training providers about how it would work for you. Taking on the right person, albeit inexperienced, can reap rewards and you may well end up with a well-trained individual who understands your business, your systems and processes and is keen to repay your commitment to their development.

Apprenticeships encourage a culture of learning and development, and the right person will also bring fresh ideas and perspective to your business. If innovation is part of your business, this might help you move ideas forward.

By investing in the development and knowledge of your apprentice, you will meet other businesses and providers, giving you opportunities to build your network, share best practice and gain insights into other sectors.

Apprentices are often on a lower pay scale, making them an attractive option for SMEs. Depending on your location, there may also be grants or incentives available to make employment even more affordable for you. For example, nationally there is a £1000 payment for employers taking on an apprentice aged between 16 and 18, or an apprentice who is between 19 and 25 with an Education, Health and Care plan in place, or who has been in the care of their local authority.

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